About Us


Hello there!

Meet Neil Mireles, your dive instructor. Neil is pushing 50 but not slowing down. Married to Tarah, they have a combined total of 7 (pretty much 10) children. All but the youngest 2 are out of the house. Neil was born and raised in Beaumont and only left for 10 short years for his stint in the US Navy. That's where he picked up his first three children, and his love of two other things. Diving and teaching. Getting his open water certification in Guam in 1998, Neil likes to say he got spoiled as a recreational diver since the 1st two years he dove they were bucket list dive locations in the South Pacific and Indian Ocean. Guam, Thailand, Singapore, Malayasia, Japan, the Persian Gulf, and Australia. 

After a change of duty station back the US, he found his other passion, teaching and instructing. After almost 4 years of teaching electronics repair for the Navy, Neil decided to separate from the service and return home to Beaumont. Landing a job as a police officer he took a break from diving for about 15 years. There he spent countless hours teaching and instructing officers and others in just about any topic he could. When Neil and Tarah got married, he somehow convinced her to try scuba since she was initially against it because she "hated" snorkeling. But like most, the second she took her first breath underwater, she was hooked!

After watching her learn to dive, He knew he had to become a scuba instructor and he began a 3-year journey to Open Water Scuba Instructor.  In July of 2023, he finally completed what he set out to do and with the support of his loving dive partner for life and his kids, he opened Mireles Scuba. His only goal is to help others gain a deep love of the oceans and waters of the world and dive to see all of God's wonderful world.