Our Training Philosophy

Why choose to learn or improve your diving skills with Mireles Scuba?

For starters, we always put your safety and comfort first. We strive to remove as much stress as possible because we believe stress inhibits learning. We always train at your speed and skill level. We will not GIVE you a certification just because you pay us, but instead you can EARN a certification with us guiding you. We love seeing someone overcoming a fear or difficulty, persevering to become something they wanted to be. 

We want to give you value for your time and money. We will not rush you or your training, we will go at your pace and comfort level. Are you a natural at some skill? Great, we make sure you have it down and move forward. Is there something giving you a problem or you just don't understand? That's OK too. We will slow down and work with you until you understand. We do not talk down or teach down to anyone and we respect all ages, race, and genders. We will make sure you have a fun time and learning skills safely and within your comfort level. We do not have "hidden fees" or additions after you start a class. We will be honest and upfront about all our fees and costs. All courses have free extras and addons we feel will get you excited about diving! (Take look at our Included with each course page)

Scuba diving is a lifelong hobby and sport. There are active divers from 10-year-old PADI Bubble Makers to 85 year-old underwater photographers diving 4 to 5 times a week. 

Come dive with us and see the difference!